August 3, 2020
Islam Simplified

Dr Azman Hussin

Senior Fellow

Islam Simplified introduces Islam simply and comprehensively by presenting the overall framework of Islam that highlights the goals of Islam and its major components. It takes a wholesome and goal-oriented view of Islam so that Muslims and non-Muslims will understand clearly the “Why” of Islam.

Islam Simplified introduces Islam simply and comprehensively by presenting the overall framework of Islam that highlights the goals of Islam and its major components. It takes a wholesome and goal-oriented view of Islam so that Muslims and non-Muslims will understand clearly the “Why” of Islam.

There is a background story to the program, along with its unique name, that resulted in this book. I was invited to present a series about Islam that could be uploaded on the Internet. The series was supposed to present Islam to foreign non-Muslims. It was supposed to be in English and I prepared this program. Eventually, it was not recorded, but as I was preparing its concepts, I wished I had learned these concepts earlier. I realized that explaining Islam through its goals was not available in the popular literature. It existed in bits and pieces and limited to scholarly discussions.

During Ramadan 2020, I completed a video series in Arabic entitled Al-Islam bi Basatah (الاسلام ببساطة), Simply Islam, or Islam Simplified. As I worked on the video series I was determined to repeat it in English. But, Alhamdulillah, over the years Allah (SWT) has helped me with a network of excellent brothers and sisters. We share the same values and vision to rebuild the future Khilafah for the Muslim ummah. A group of brothers from Malaysia whom I’ve known when we studied in North America during the 1980s, volunteered to rewrite the Arabic lecture series in English. They have done a wonderful job to detail out the lectures in an e-book format. I am pleased with the outcome.

Although the lecture series has 30 episodes, we decided to release the first part on Islam which covers the first 12 episodes. It will be made available freely as an e-book so as to quickly and widely reach our target readership, the younger generation of Muslims. Insha Allah, the follow-up sequel will be ready soon.

I would like to sincerely thank all those involved in producing this book. Let us all remain sincerely committed to building the future Muslim civilization based on the way of the beloved Messenger (SAW) and rightly guided Caliphs. May Allah Guide us all to the deeds that please Him!

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